RBA224 RBA224 GradCertIA Module 1 - Risk Based Internal Auditing
This module is the entry point to the GradCertIA course and must be completed as a pre-requisite for the later modules. It aims to assist you in developing a range of relevant technical skills and a thorough knowledge of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), which provides direction with respect to internal audit matters. This foundation knowledge is required in order to successfully progress to the later modules which make up the remainder of the course of study.
LRE224 GradCertIA Module 2 - Legal and Regulatory Environment
This module is the second in the Graduate Certificate of Internal Audit course. Completion of Module 1 is currently a pre-requisite for undertaking this Module.
Module 2 aims to develop candidate knowledge and understanding of the broader environment (legal, regulatory and economic) in which Australian organisations operate and the respective risks from fraud and possible ethical issues.
This module will cover the following major topics:
(a) Ethics
(b) Regulatory and legal environment
(c) Fraud
(d) Economic environment.
OSP224 GradCertIA Module 3 - Organisational Systems and Processes
This module is the third in the Grad Cert IA course. Completion of Modules 1 is currently a pre-requisite for undertaking this Module. Module 3 aims to build candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the systems and processes used to manage an effective business.
This module will cover the following major topics:
(a) Information Technology
(b) Financial Management and Accounting.
PIP224 GradCertIA Module 4 - Professional in Practice
This module is the fourth in the GradCertIA course. Completion of Modules 1, 2 and 3 is a pre-requisite for undertaking this Module.
Professional in Practice is the capstone program of the Graduate Certificate in Internal Auditing. As such, it aims to provide opportunities for candidates to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills that will enable them to make high level, independent judgements in planning, conducting and evaluating an internal audit in accordance with the IPPF.
This module will cover the following major topics:
(a) Influence and communication
(b) Leadership and teamwork
(c) Conflict resolution.
Student Chats GradCertIA Student Rep and Community Forum
This area of the online learning portal is for all student currently enrolled in the GradCertIA.